Bex.Walton: Early morning subway
Bex.Walton: Strategic positioning
Bex.Walton: Brooklyn Bridge walk
Bex.Walton: I can jump higher than you...
Bex.Walton: Leap with panache
Bex.Walton: Trying to face forward
Bex.Walton: Central Park in the snow
Bex.Walton: The subway goes overground
Bex.Walton: St John the Divine
Bex.Walton: St John the Divine
Bex.Walton: Icicles under Brooklyn Bridge
Bex.Walton: Papa et Maman
Bex.Walton: Winging it
Bex.Walton: Black squirrel
Bex.Walton: Moi et Papa
Bex.Walton: Central Park
Bex.Walton: Brooklyn Heights
Bex.Walton: Chez moi in the snow
Bex.Walton: Central Park photo shoot