♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: 2011-04-10_2574 Bumble Bee
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Stealth Butterfly ~ Can You See It?
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Fire Ant OUCH! They have a very nasty bite!
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: snowberry clearwing hummingbird moth
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Butterfly on Crown of Thorns
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Guess Who's Coming For Dinner........................ I thought this was so sweet of the Hummingbird to share his sugar.
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: 1570634 RED ADMIRAL ~ This is a new-to-us butterfly we saw on our bush today. Please scroll down to my first comment and watch the animated show of the others.
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Red-spotted Purple Butterfly-- Funny name considering its spots are orange and color is blue. It is very similar to the Spicebush without the swallowtail
♥ BeWoLf13 ♥ EriCaMAxiNE **ON AND OFF: Monarch & Tiger Swallowtail