bevcraigwhite: Autumn morning...rainy....
bevcraigwhite: Later the wind blew the umbrella and table down .
bevcraigwhite: From my window...
bevcraigwhite: I should have put the umbrella away.....almost too late now!
bevcraigwhite: Some leaves have yet to fall.....
bevcraigwhite: Window view
bevcraigwhite: Morning sunshine...yesterday....
bevcraigwhite: Today....more snow squalls
bevcraigwhite: Icicles on my house this many days of freezing, snow, and thawing...
bevcraigwhite: My icy driveway today...I am not going out...not on foot, or in a car.
bevcraigwhite: Home driveway today...sheer ice.