bevcraigwhite: Morning walk, with mushrooms...April 27/17
bevcraigwhite: With pencil line thin stems
bevcraigwhite: Another type of coral fungus
bevcraigwhite: Orange fingers.....? Fungus
bevcraigwhite: Bisporella citrina, a sac fungus, seen in Sauble Falls park
bevcraigwhite: An Un.identified mushroom , in Biener's Bush Trail today
bevcraigwhite: Blewit mushrooms in the cedar bush, edible, small..only 4 of them....
bevcraigwhite: A pair...birch polypores
bevcraigwhite: Large white bracket fungus...unknown species to me....
bevcraigwhite: Top and bottom...thin fungus, Woodland Trail, Ontario
bevcraigwhite: Large bracket fungus, Woodland Trail