bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion...Grand Valley, at the Blacks'...June 16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion...Grand Valley, at the Blacks'...June 16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion...Grand Valley, at the Blacks'...June 16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion...Grand Valley, at the Blacks'...June 16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion...Grand Valley, at the Blacks'...June 16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion, at the Blacks' Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion, at the Blacks' Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion, at the Blacks' Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: Plane arrival...two guests... South Pacific trip reunion.. June 2016
bevcraigwhite: Black barn..rebuilt two years ago, after hurricane collapse. Grand Valley
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion , at the Blacks'. Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion , at the Blacks'. Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: In the barn........ Grand Valley, reunion South Pacific trip, June/16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion , at the Blacks'. Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: South Pacific trip reunion , at the Blacks'. Grand Valley, June/16
bevcraigwhite: Inside the new barn, with old timbers....Grand Valley , June/16
bevcraigwhite: Cream separator, at the Blacks ' farm, Grand Valley, June /16