bevcraigwhite: reflections.....Trent Canal Houseboat trip...Spt/08
bevcraigwhite: Houseboating on the Trent Canal, Ontario...Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: Houseboating on the Trent Canal, Ontario...Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: flowers for Friday... Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: just a puppy...... and still growing....for Furry Friday!
bevcraigwhite: Birch Polypore...Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: more watercraft...Trent Canal Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: houseboat crew...dressed for rain..Trent Canal.. Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: sunrise.....Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: walking into the light....Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: Great Blue Heron, at dawn....
bevcraigwhite: Great Blue Heron, early morning..... Sept/08..
bevcraigwhite: Great Blue Heron, at dawn....
bevcraigwhite: Ducks plus reflections !
bevcraigwhite: a memory...Early Sept/08
bevcraigwhite: Green Scene....Sept/08