bevcraigwhite: November around home
bevcraigwhite: November around home
bevcraigwhite: fungus on birch
bevcraigwhite: November day
bevcraigwhite: rainy night walk
bevcraigwhite: rainy night walk in the woods
bevcraigwhite: on a walk from home
bevcraigwhite: textures... yesterday's walk
bevcraigwhite: winter days
bevcraigwhite: textures... yesterday's walk
bevcraigwhite: more textures
bevcraigwhite: more textures
bevcraigwhite: 4 more greatly varying textures
bevcraigwhite: Fwd: 5 forms
bevcraigwhite: 6 photos... power off again for 23 hours
bevcraigwhite: 4 in sepia
bevcraigwhite: 4 Ski photos
bevcraigwhite: 4 Ski photos
bevcraigwhite: The Lace of Ice... 4 photos
bevcraigwhite: 4 further fungi fotos
bevcraigwhite: walking in the woods this afternoon 1/4
bevcraigwhite: walking in the woods this afternoon 1/4
bevcraigwhite: walking in the woods this afternoon 1/4
bevcraigwhite: today's photos 1/6
bevcraigwhite: today's photos 1/6
bevcraigwhite: today's photos 1/6
bevcraigwhite: wildflowers... colt's foot
bevcraigwhite: Into this woods this morning 1/4
bevcraigwhite: Into this woods this morning 1/4
bevcraigwhite: Into this woods this morning 1/4