WATER NOMADS: 0002 Frost on the window
WATER NOMADS: 0010 Parliment building, copy of the white house, but smaller
WATER NOMADS: 0012 Havana, the Museum of the Revolution
WATER NOMADS: 0032 Trinidad, taxi ride to beach resort
WATER NOMADS: 0027 On the road to Trinidad, Cuba
WATER NOMADS: 0044 Grant relaxes in Trinidad
WATER NOMADS: 0083 Check out the rides, driven by old truck diffs
WATER NOMADS: 0084 Trinidad Cuba
WATER NOMADS: 0100 Trinidad, Cuba
WATER NOMADS: 0119 Havana, not the tourist part, where we stayed
WATER NOMADS: 0121 Left overs from the Russian days
WATER NOMADS: 0124 Havana