feathers46: Scarlett Chested Parrot....Male
feathers46: Princess Parrot
feathers46: Mulga Parrot.....Female
feathers46: rainbow lorikeets
feathers46: red tailed black cockatoo
feathers46: Short Billed Corella
feathers46: White Tailed, Black Cockatoo
feathers46: Short Billed Corella
feathers46: Palm Cockatoo
feathers46: Galah
feathers46: Ooohh, I like this.
feathers46: I'll let you know when to stop
feathers46: Galah
feathers46: Galah
feathers46: Galah
feathers46: Pair of Galahs
feathers46: Red Collared Lorikeet at Derby
feathers46: Elegant Parrot at Billabong
feathers46: Red Tailed Black Cockatoo ....Male at Wireless Hill Park
feathers46: Red Capped Parrot.....Male
feathers46: Red Winged Parrots.....Females at Derby
feathers46: Galah.......Pretty in Pink
feathers46: Long Billed Corella at Kent Street Weir
feathers46: Red Capped Parrot....Male at Kent Street Weir
feathers46: red capped parrot.....Female 1
feathers46: red capped parrot.....Female
feathers46: red cap parrot.....Female
feathers46: Red Capped Parrot....Female
feathers46: Pair of Galahs at Carine