Betty R: 2001
Betty R: Front of Glendale House
Betty R: Aunt Mary In Breakfast Room
Betty R: Courtney in Bag
Betty R: Packing Plane to Leave
Betty R: Bob, Gerry, and Larry
Betty R: Derek and Nancy
Betty R: Tom and Peg
Betty R: Tom's Family
Betty R: Just Before Aunt Mary's 90th BD
Betty R: Bill, Steph and Courtney
Betty R: Aunt Mary's Celebration of Life
Betty R: Aunt Mary's Celebration of Life
Betty R: Aunt Mary's Celebration of Life
Betty R: Aunt Mary's Celebration of Life
Betty R: Angels and Courtney
Betty R: Katie!
Betty R: Mom, Wylla, and Angel
Betty R: So Long Youngs
Betty R: Supremes
Betty R: Courtney and Rob
Betty R: Zurich
Betty R: Alps
Betty R: Alps
Betty R: Sound of Music
Betty R: Nice France
Betty R: Bellagio Italy
Betty R: Italy Day
Betty R: Passengers on train
Betty R: Train