bettyfromtexas: Think Pink . . . Every Day Matters Challenge #1 Draw a Shoe
bettyfromtexas: Lamp from the Archives
bettyfromtexas: a new spring thing . . . my new bag :-) Everyday Matters #3
bettyfromtexas: Everyday Matters #3 Again
bettyfromtexas: A Gift . . .
bettyfromtexas: Everyday Matters #14 - Draw what you see in the morning when you get up
bettyfromtexas: French Soap -- Every Day Matters Challenge #101
bettyfromtexas: Sanctuary
bettyfromtexas: The Incredible Edible Onion -- EDM Challenge 179
bettyfromtexas: Ford Truck c. 1935 -- Every Day Matters Challenge #182
bettyfromtexas: Something Dangerous: Portrait of a Crocodile -- Every Day Matters Challenge #183
bettyfromtexas: Rusty Crusty Bench -- Every Day Matters Challenge # 184
bettyfromtexas: Yellow-Naped Amazon or Everyday Matters Challenge #188 . . . Draw a Peanut
bettyfromtexas: Fan Noir
bettyfromtexas: A Razor . . .
bettyfromtexas: . . . something that floats: Everyday Matters Challenge #192
bettyfromtexas: Extreme Close-Up EDM #193
bettyfromtexas: Snow on the Roof Top
bettyfromtexas: Hatchling
bettyfromtexas: Neoclassical Window
bettyfromtexas: draw an umbrella . . .Everyday Matters #217
bettyfromtexas: Everyday Matters #257 . . . Draw a Houseplant
bettyfromtexas: "something you don't see every day"
bettyfromtexas: faces . . . #4 . . . (mine:-)
bettyfromtexas: Keys. . . a few of the many
bettyfromtexas: fresh and free