Betti Na: The richest (cave) man of Shuangxi
Betti Na: Sheep's wondering
Betti Na: Donkey Mother's love
Betti Na: The Explorer
Betti Na: Hutong life: Never ever say that the Bejingers are lazy
Betti Na: Hutong life: Beer seems still more popular than wine!
Betti Na: The savers of the lost goose
Betti Na: Dress code
Betti Na: What's new today?
Betti Na: Chameaux zai Shamo
Betti Na: Thinking right here
Betti Na: Small people
Betti Na: A lot of sand
Betti Na: Dune Huang
Betti Na: A desert eats a sun
Betti Na: Walking in Tuyugo
Betti Na: Nang story #1
Betti Na: Nang story #2
Betti Na: Nang story #3
Betti Na: Zinora
Betti Na: Zinora's home
Betti Na: Zinora's hands
Betti Na: Yangs
Betti Na: Tuyugo #1
Betti Na: Tuyugo #2
Betti Na: The mosque
Betti Na: Tuyu's special
Betti Na: Waiting for dad...
Betti Na: Celebrating Eid
Betti Na: Amina's family