betsyweber: Day 1 - "As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." Steve Jobs. Well, here is my 8-bit heart...
betsyweber: Day 2 - Trip Packing List - just the essential items.
betsyweber: Day 3 - "A gentle heart is tied with an easy thread." ~ George Herbert (Today I'm doing a little sewing)
betsyweber: Day 4 - Cheers to Jen Middlin! My beloved ex 'work spouse'!
betsyweber: Day 5 - Off the needles and around my neck... Finally! Herringbone cowl. Turned out bigger than I thought it would be.
betsyweber: Day 6 - "I love this country, but the union jack leaves me cold." Timothy Garton Ash (arrived in London today. I like the Union Jack... )
betsyweber: Day 7 - Meet Bob the cat... He's stylin and profilin - Covent Garden in London
betsyweber: Day 8 - I spy with my little (London) eye...
betsyweber: Day 9 - Fun nite thanks to LMUG (London Mac User Group)
betsyweber: Day 10 - I have nothing to do with this. #london #uk
betsyweber: Day 11 - wisdom on a napkin. “Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it.” Sir Henry Royce (Rolls-Royce) #london #uk
betsyweber: Day 12 - sweet cupcake graffiti at Tottenham Court Road Tube Station. On the way to Pub Standards. #London #uk
betsyweber: Day 13 - Hello kitty! This is why pubs in London are awesome... #uk
betsyweber: Day 14 - Tower Bridge is falling down. Pic thru the gate... #london #uk
betsyweber: Day 15 - Sunday Roast in a pub. "The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne." Samuel Johnson #uk #london
betsyweber: Day 18 - gets me where I need to go. #nottinghill #uk #london
betsyweber: Day 16 - Mark Littlewood (l) and Eric Ries, (r) author of "The Lean Startup" #BLNLean
betsyweber: Day 20 - What a way to start the day with a view waking up to this! I'm a lucky girl! No complaints here. #edinburgh #castle #scotland #uk
betsyweber: Day 21 - Breakfast of Champions?
betsyweber: Day 23 - "WANTED ON VOYAGE" Looking for a bear and some marmalade. #london #uk
betsyweber: Day 26 - attended the Quantified Self Meet-up in London at University College London
betsyweber: Day 25 - Visiting Red Gate Software in Cambridge. They're very similar to TechSmith. Fun to visit...
betsyweber: Day 24 - The 'Red Trousers Situation' - every day in London, I see at least one man wearing red pants. Young. Old. Doesn't matter. What is going on here?!? Discuss...
betsyweber: Day 27 - I almost feel like a Londoner... The oyster card is my electric travel card in London for the Tube and bus.
betsyweber: Day 30 - View of St Paul's Cathedral from London Bridge (which is in fine shape. It is not falling down contrary to what they told you).
betsyweber: Day 31 - Stately home is stately! Thanks Rachel Hawley for taking me to Burlghey Home. Simply beautiful!
betsyweber: Day 32 - "Mind the Gap" was introduced in 1969 on the London Underground. #uk #london
betsyweber: Day 33 - Foo-ing it up with Laurel Ruma at an O'Reilly meetup. Had a lovely time! #london #uk
betsyweber: Mutton Rogan Josh Curry - Grand Thali
betsyweber: Day 35 - 'Tis the hard grey weather Breeds hard English men.' Charles Kingsley Snow finally falls in London. My journey home today will be challenging.