betsythedevine: Manhattan, city of contrasts
betsythedevine: "7 Days" plus razor wire
betsythedevine: Nude cowgirl and Juan Valdez
betsythedevine: Flatiron Building
betsythedevine: Old Met Life tower
betsythedevine: "Law and Order" Betsy
betsythedevine: "Law and Order" Frank
betsythedevine: WTC memorial tiles
betsythedevine: Can you still read the sign that says "Tragedy"?
betsythedevine: Chinatown exterminator
betsythedevine: Helicopters
betsythedevine: Trump World Tower
betsythedevine: Ellie Ramsey and Betsy chill out, and deservedly so!
betsythedevine: Wait--look behind you!
betsythedevine: T D Lee's 80th birthday party
betsythedevine: Yet another good-looking Nobel Laureate