departmint: sealface
departmint: creature9
departmint: No Longer Welcome Among You
departmint: Who's laughing now
departmint: who will take my hands?
departmint: thanks
departmint: couldn't stop touching
departmint: Window's gallery, Long Island City
departmint: IMG_0687
departmint: whoops, theres the painting
departmint: detail
departmint: detail
departmint: drawing of suzanne
departmint: drawing of suzanne
departmint: drawing of simon
departmint: thomson detail
departmint: simon thomson
departmint: ranu mukerjee's portrait
departmint: my sister kate
departmint: selfportrait
departmint: la la la la la la la la la
departmint: sunday morning and I'm upset
departmint: I know how it sounded
departmint: i don't think it will ever stop
departmint: why why why?
departmint: IMG_0196
departmint: IMG_0198