Betsy McCully:
Black-necked Stilt
Betsy McCully:
Stilt and Mangrove
Betsy McCully:
Waterbird Group
Betsy McCully:
Black-necked Stilt reflection
Betsy McCully:
Black Skimmer
Betsy McCully:
Tricolored Heron
Betsy McCully:
Tricolored Heron
Betsy McCully:
Barred Owl chick
Betsy McCully:
Painted Bunting
Betsy McCully:
Loggerhead Shrike
Betsy McCully:
Mottled-Mallard duck hybrid
Betsy McCully:
Lesser Yellowlegs reflection
Betsy McCully:
Great Blue Heron with snake
Betsy McCully:
Lesser Yellowlegs
Betsy McCully:
Betsy McCully:
White Ibis
Betsy McCully:
Lesser Yellowlegs
Betsy McCully:
Least Sandpiper
Betsy McCully:
Cinnamon Teal
Betsy McCully:
Hooded Mergansers preening
Betsy McCully:
Hooded Mergansers preening
Betsy McCully:
Tri-colored Heron
Betsy McCully:
Prancing Snowy Egret
Betsy McCully:
Common Gallinule
Betsy McCully:
American Coot
Betsy McCully:
Purple Gallinule with pondweed
Betsy McCully:
Tri-colored Heron in the mangrove
Betsy McCully:
Greater Yellowlegs resting
Betsy McCully:
Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera)
Betsy McCully:
Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera)