Betsy McCully: Long-tailed Duck
Betsy McCully: Field Sparrow
Betsy McCully: Ring-necked Duck
Betsy McCully: Common Eider
Betsy McCully: Horned Lark
Betsy McCully: Bonaparte's Gull
Betsy McCully: Birds of a feather flock together
Betsy McCully: Feeder birds
Betsy McCully: Wood Duck portrait
Betsy McCully: Wood Duck
Betsy McCully: Song Sparrow
Betsy McCully: Mallards
Betsy McCully: Colorful Ducks
Betsy McCully: Mallard Pair
Betsy McCully: Mallard female
Betsy McCully: Green-winged Teal male
Betsy McCully: Green-winged Teal male
Betsy McCully: Green-winged Teal male
Betsy McCully: Cooper's Hawk
Betsy McCully: Cooper's Hawk portrait
Betsy McCully: Mallard with Canada Geese
Betsy McCully: Gadwall Pair
Betsy McCully: Gadwall male
Betsy McCully: Hermit Thrush
Betsy McCully: Iceland Gull
Betsy McCully: Late bloomer
Betsy McCully: Long-tailed Duck
Betsy McCully: Snowy Owl
Betsy McCully: Eastern Phoebe
Betsy McCully: Eastern Phoebe