Betsssssy: Rich gets me some hooch.
Betsssssy: shrimps
Betsssssy: Dottie got a corsage
Betsssssy: The sweet Richie girls
Betsssssy: Summer was on to me.
Betsssssy: bunny!
Betsssssy: Summer
Betsssssy: Me -n- dad
Betsssssy: Brooklyn was looking for eggs
Betsssssy: Lola
Betsssssy: Allison makes tarts!
Betsssssy: delicious
Betsssssy: Summer taught me how to play
Betsssssy: Navajo flute
Betsssssy: Rose
Betsssssy: Hi Grandma!
Betsssssy: Cribbage
Betsssssy: I won.
Betsssssy: egg
Betsssssy: I love to play cribbage with Grandpa.
Betsssssy: Games
Betsssssy: Onions
Betsssssy: boy and his dog
Betsssssy: violet rose
Betsssssy: Grandpa gardens!
Betsssssy: Me and Grandma
Betsssssy: Rob demonstrates how to suck in one's gut.
Betsssssy: Nelson
Betsssssy: Grandma makes fabulous deviled eggs!
Betsssssy: Petey