Betsssssy: Alison and Eric sans baby
Betsssssy: Alison and Eric with baby Loic
Betsssssy: mommy and Loic
Betsssssy: bubbles,bubbles, in the air
Betsssssy: bubbles, bubbles, everywhere
Betsssssy: amazed
Betsssssy: delighted
Betsssssy: birthday flowers
Betsssssy: Loic
Betsssssy: Loic
Betsssssy: birthday boy
Betsssssy: Loic
Betsssssy: bubbly
Betsssssy: giggle
Betsssssy: ummm...
Betsssssy: touch
Betsssssy: blow
Betsssssy: laugh
Betsssssy: He loves my Joe's jeans.
Betsssssy: I think he's fabulous, he thinks I'm scary.
Betsssssy: Old faithful
Betsssssy: waiting
Betsssssy: gimme some tongue
Betsssssy: reflected
Betsssssy: yummy
Betsssssy: I just could not stop taking pictures of this kid.
Betsssssy: Hello
Betsssssy: preparation
Betsssssy: more preparation
Betsssssy: cutie