Betsssssy: Hotel Mark Twain
Betsssssy: Charging people to park in the street? Unbelievable.
Betsssssy: Mom and Brother Ben
Betsssssy: Buena Vista
Betsssssy: Me. Mom was moving around I guess.
Betsssssy: Trio
Betsssssy: Ben and Mom
Betsssssy: at the Buena Vista
Betsssssy: Ben likes Ketchup.
Betsssssy: greasy
Betsssssy: The Bridge
Betsssssy: tourists
Betsssssy: family
Betsssssy: bad posture
Betsssssy: windswept
Betsssssy: Mom thought she would walk on the beach, but changed her mind after feeling the sand.
Betsssssy: Ben did not walk on the beach.
Betsssssy: Ocean was insane. Still, there were surfers.
Betsssssy: graffiti
Betsssssy: Mom brought presents.
Betsssssy: Ben computes on Christmas Eve.
Betsssssy: Presents.
Betsssssy: a present
Betsssssy: New earrings
Betsssssy: According to his mom, Max is naturally good-natured.
Betsssssy: My grandma and cousin Kay were probably talking about something naughty.
Betsssssy: Carol Jean was a dance teacher.
Betsssssy: light
Betsssssy: Uncle Rob is a ham.