Betsssssy: Juliet and Dawn
Betsssssy: Marnie
Betsssssy: Alison and Lisa try to liven up the party.
Betsssssy: Pete is the host.
Betsssssy: Pete and Michelle have a GORGEOUS view. I'm so envious.
Betsssssy: Michelle baked these kick-ass cookies. I ate 6.
Betsssssy: oh, it was sooooo tasty
Betsssssy: Masoon
Betsssssy: Getting fresh with Alison
Betsssssy: Only picture Sharon would be in.
Betsssssy: Everyone else was in the living room.
Betsssssy: Everyone else
Betsssssy: My wine.
Betsssssy: At first, Alison didn't quite get the concept of this photo essay.
Betsssssy: We all had pictures taken of food or beverage items that matched our shirts.
Betsssssy: The margarita glass matched the shirt.
Betsssssy: The grape matched the trim.
Betsssssy: Pink shirt, pink ham.
Betsssssy: heheeeee.
Betsssssy: Gray and black (aka, slightly dangerous)
Betsssssy: Patrick loves beer.
Betsssssy: Juliet has a new job.
Betsssssy: Drink #2 for me.
Betsssssy: Pete gets girly...
Betsssssy: That's Michelle the hostess in the gray. I didn't get enough shots of her.
Betsssssy: Who knew raccoons make great pets?
Betsssssy: "Tell me what you want! Tell me MORE."
Betsssssy: Pete says raccoons don't have great hand-eye coordination compared to his other OT clients.
Betsssssy: Resting
Betsssssy: UHOH-- He thinks my camera is FOOD!