Betsssssy: special
Betsssssy: Airporter
Betsssssy: three haircuts
Betsssssy: City of luv
Betsssssy: grocery
Betsssssy: Nasty
Betsssssy: balls
Betsssssy: Pimp turned Canadian guard
Betsssssy: Rick
Betsssssy: creeped me out a lot
Betsssssy: sense of humor
Betsssssy: Ever present foot shot
Betsssssy: Can you tell what that is?
Betsssssy: Ouch
Betsssssy: Toy gun and glasses
Betsssssy: pretty flower
Betsssssy: BIG canyon, LONG bridge
Betsssssy: big canyon, long bridge
Betsssssy: Sepia goes with the period costumes.
Betsssssy: Outhouse
Betsssssy: Circular
Betsssssy: ooooh, so preeeeeettyyyyyyy
Betsssssy: That was one tasty drink. Or was that the third tasty drink...
Betsssssy: big boat/little boat
Betsssssy: Chevron
Betsssssy: great water play equipment
Betsssssy: What a great playground. All cities should have ones like this.
Betsssssy: Slide
Betsssssy: Waiting for the wings.