betoqm: the crew
betoqm: bouldering 7
betoqm: bouldering 6
betoqm: bouldering 5
betoqm: bouldering 3
betoqm: bouldering 2
betoqm: bouldering
betoqm: yellow path
betoqm: taking a rest
betoqm: rock texture
betoqm: the sector 2
betoqm: the view
betoqm: the top
betoqm: crack + belayer
betoqm: crack 2
betoqm: crack
betoqm: almost there
betoqm: going up 2
betoqm: going up
betoqm: resting
betoqm: enjoying the view
betoqm: getting ready
betoqm: the sector
betoqm: belayer
betoqm: negative wall
betoqm: watching
betoqm: blue contrast
betoqm: dark red contrast
betoqm: watchers
betoqm: purple contrast