Dreaming in the deep south: Perry Water Gardens
Dreaming in the deep south: Middle Creek Road
Dreaming in the deep south: Dad's Mountain Place
Dreaming in the deep south: Beth looking more like her mother every day
Dreaming in the deep south: Graham at the waterfall
Dreaming in the deep south: Victorious after the hike
Dreaming in the deep south: despite the bee sting .....
Dreaming in the deep south: up high towards Highlands
Dreaming in the deep south: along middle creek
Dreaming in the deep south: visiting my favorite waterfall
Dreaming in the deep south: my favorite tree seat
Dreaming in the deep south: intrepid swimmer
Dreaming in the deep south: a different waterfall process
Dreaming in the deep south: max helping his mom up the mountain
Dreaming in the deep south: part of the great canopy
Dreaming in the deep south: perry water garden