Dreaming in the deep south:
Scan 1
Dreaming in the deep south:
Scan 2
Dreaming in the deep south:
Scan 3
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Scan 4
Dreaming in the deep south:
C.T.Ben and friends
Dreaming in the deep south:
C.T.Ben & J.M. Griffith
Dreaming in the deep south:
Grandma Ben's Kindergarden Class
Dreaming in the deep south:
C.T. Ben and friends 1910s
Dreaming in the deep south:
C.T. Ben's friends
Dreaming in the deep south:
excursion [circa 1900]
Dreaming in the deep south:
Fishing on Sparrow Lake [circa 1900]
Dreaming in the deep south:
The Franklin Homestead
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
The Franklin Homestead
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan album
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan: WWI post cards home
Dreaming in the deep south:
Fourth of July 1919
Dreaming in the deep south:
Max Bunyan WWI vet and his mother Myrtie