Dreaming in the deep south:
Visiting Dad 95 #3
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Saluda Stream 3
Dreaming in the deep south:
Atlanta a.m.
Dreaming in the deep south:
Middle Creek 2
Dreaming in the deep south:
Falls in fall
Dreaming in the deep south:
Here, surrounded by the products of nature ..
Dreaming in the deep south:
On foot but not for long
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Visiting Dad 95 #7
Dreaming in the deep south:
Foot of falls - Otto, N.C.
Dreaming in the deep south:
Leaves leaving
Dreaming in the deep south:
Saluda Stream 4
Dreaming in the deep south:
Falls in Green - North Carolina
Dreaming in the deep south:
The path to Middle Creek NC
Dreaming in the deep south:
Falls '07
Dreaming in the deep south:
Rain Screen One
Dreaming in the deep south:
NC Stream
Dreaming in the deep south:
Winter Storm
Dreaming in the deep south:
Visiting Dad 95 #6
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Saluda dogwoods
Dreaming in the deep south:
More gold
Dreaming in the deep south:
A strange frenzy in my head
Dreaming in the deep south:
Rain Screen Two
Dreaming in the deep south:
Not orderly or at all tame
Dreaming in the deep south:
Dreaming in the deep south:
Snail's Pace '07
Dreaming in the deep south:
Through a screen darkly
Dreaming in the deep south:
Sun Thru Trees ; Saluda