Dreaming in the deep south: Dad content, reading in the snow.
Dreaming in the deep south: My car my hair my hat
Dreaming in the deep south: Singing for the fun of it
Dreaming in the deep south: Beth's b'day '05
Dreaming in the deep south: family.pic 87 NC
Dreaming in the deep south: Family Portrait #4
Dreaming in the deep south: Beach Portrait SGi '07
Dreaming in the deep south: Merlin Airborne SGI
Dreaming in the deep south: SGi. 2000. Spring Break
Dreaming in the deep south: Beach Portrait '07
Dreaming in the deep south: Beth's B'day '05
Dreaming in the deep south: Florida Cold Thanksgiving
Dreaming in the deep south: SGi.2000.Spring#10
Dreaming in the deep south: Smiths @ Paradise
Dreaming in the deep south: Moroccan restaurant
Dreaming in the deep south: Thanksgiving 2007_078
Dreaming in the deep south: Shalin.with.attitude @ Elsewhere