beth keplinger: This glass window was not built thick enough to out power a gorilla's strength.
beth keplinger: Baby Chinta & Baby Towan
beth keplinger: Chinta's 51st B-Day Party
beth keplinger: Chinta's 50th B-Day Trash Out
beth keplinger: spider penny smasher machine
beth keplinger: I am NOT stupid
beth keplinger: Living mushroom
beth keplinger: This was the first day that I met Connie & Troy's baby girl Emma.
beth keplinger: 2018 Tacoma Dome Craft Show
beth keplinger: 2018 craftshow
beth keplinger: 2018 Craftshow
beth keplinger: "Holiday Bazar" 2019
beth keplinger: "Holiday Bazar" 2019
beth keplinger: "Holiday Bazar" 2019
beth keplinger: "Holiday Bazar" 2019
beth keplinger: intarsia red-eyed tree frog
beth keplinger: Feather macro
beth keplinger: WPZ penny smasher
beth keplinger: Space Needle
beth keplinger: Space Needle