bethers: McKinney Falls State Park, Austin, TX
bethers: White Horse
bethers: Unusual Flower
bethers: found in Golden Gate Park
bethers: Standing Still
bethers: so close yet so far
bethers: orange orchids
bethers: step off!
bethers: unsettled front
bethers: the edge
bethers: rest now, rise later
bethers: wtf?
bethers: in spite of everything
bethers: fall is coming along
bethers: mallard duck
bethers: meerkat
bethers: flamingo
bethers: lomo_we're in this together
bethers: escape your prison
bethers: say goodbye to the way things were
bethers: cracks in the avenue
bethers: shining in the dark
bethers: she calls to me
bethers: elegance au naturel
bethers: no way out
bethers: sprout
bethers: lucky day
bethers: in the light
bethers: sky's the limit
bethers: forgotten