bethbikes33: Tall Flowers
bethbikes33: More flowers that make my heart rate slow down
bethbikes33: Half Tone Sunflower
bethbikes33: The flowers just blew me away
bethbikes33: Sunflowers sans sun
bethbikes33: Through the forest
bethbikes33: Huemore Texas tough flower macro
bethbikes33: One of the things that #huemore does spectacularly is macro photography.
bethbikes33: Valentine carnations in black and white
bethbikes33: Vibrance credit to #huemore app
bethbikes33: Macro flower
bethbikes33: Fun with nature macros
bethbikes33: Passion Flower - photo taken by my Mom in FL, and edited by me in #tangledfx #photoforge2 and #kitcamapp thanks Mom!
bethbikes33: Signs of spring all around, despite sub-freezing temps in Texas!
bethbikes33: These are the actual colors - spring is in the air!
bethbikes33: Delicate
bethbikes33: macro flower shot
bethbikes33: Rainy day macro
bethbikes33: A rainy day Hipstamacro
bethbikes33: Deep Purple
bethbikes33: I think spring is unofficially here In Texas
bethbikes33: Define: vibrance
bethbikes33: Good morning #hw_wattswednesday !
bethbikes33: Flowers begin to add that little extra splash of color #sunset #pureshot #laminar
bethbikes33: The flowers are really getting me excited for our two weeks of spring!
bethbikes33: What will this flower grow up to be?
bethbikes33: I think this might be my favorite macro of late
bethbikes33: Pretty little thing
bethbikes33: Soft macro
bethbikes33: Spring may be here