beth.hetland: First printed pile!
beth.hetland: We're at 200!
beth.hetland: Signing the last one
beth.hetland: The presentation
beth.hetland: The crowd
beth.hetland: The mane
beth.hetland: It begins!
beth.hetland: Say goodbye Beard!!!
beth.hetland: Brush the hair out
beth.hetland: Ponytail power!
beth.hetland: Ponytailing
beth.hetland: CUT IT
beth.hetland: Cuts complete!
beth.hetland: Get the clippers!
beth.hetland: Buzzing down
beth.hetland: Bit by bit
beth.hetland: The clumps fall
beth.hetland: And Alec returns to us
beth.hetland: removing the Tin Tin
beth.hetland: buzzzzzz
beth.hetland: Last of the hair cuttery
beth.hetland: Braid the beard
beth.hetland: Braid the beard
beth.hetland: Braid the beard
beth.hetland: Braid the beard
beth.hetland: The first beard cut!
beth.hetland: Liz Prince's birthday comes early
beth.hetland: The Power Braid!
beth.hetland: Trim it down
beth.hetland: Short beard