simplymr.holz: when the coyote's howl, image #4
simplymr.holz: Ford on the farm
simplymr.holz: colors from a hundred acre wood
simplymr.holz: strength in many
simplymr.holz: North-Western Territory, blowing in from the wind.
simplymr.holz: My third cup of Adirondack Blend: The ripple effect.
D U B L: Make A Wish Now
simplymr.holz: compass pointer
simplymr.holz: rose and stone
paco.weaving: DAY & NIGHT
borisbschulz2009: AI created picture in Midjourney Bot
simplymr.holz: ...if barns were cakes
Eric Cooper 1: Butterfly
g.cordel: Guêpe poliste
simplymr.holz: Digital Canvas: Poe's Winter
roelivtil: Drie / Three
lclower19 (sometimes off - sometimes on): Strictly Storebought Spring
simplymr.holz: little falls in the forest
kjamon86: Sleep in
pedro lastra: Crying Heart. Ghost Orchid, Dendrophylax lindenii, Florida
simplymr.holz: Austin abstract
simplymr.holz: bent band: &
simplymr.holz: frozen spokes
simplymr.holz: woodlands faded tapestry
simplymr.holz: A Winter's Reflection
simplymr.holz: ICM: winter fashion on ice