beth.brousil: C'mon get happy!
beth.brousil: For Steve
beth.brousil: In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.
beth.brousil: Tractor Pull
beth.brousil: Ferris Wheel
beth.brousil: Fun Slide
beth.brousil: Tilt-A-Whirl
beth.brousil: Scooter
beth.brousil: Monkeys!
beth.brousil: And if somebody, not just anybody, wanted to get close to you, for instance, me, baby
beth.brousil: Swordfight
beth.brousil: Acrobats
beth.brousil: Spring Fairie
beth.brousil: Autumn Fairie
beth.brousil: Tiny Dancers