June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: "Lighthouse in Laukvik"
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Lofoten by nightLOS
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Spider in fogdroplets
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Night with cloud
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Print accept MOF 2015
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Luna over kirka i blåtime
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Accepted Works Doule Half, India 2015
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Swirls and circle
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Accepted Varna 2015
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: certgen BOLL FIAP HM
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: certgen SBWL Merit award
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: My Anchestors Home
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Aurora , Nupen, Heia og Mostad
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Award and accepted Ozone Zone 2015
June Grønseth EFIAP PPSA: Nocturne Aurora