Best of Geek: Female Tufted Duck
Best of Geek: Male and Female Tufted Ducks
Best of Geek: Drake Goosander
Best of Geek: Female Goosander
Best of Geek: Drake Goldeneye
Best of Geek: Drake Gadwall
Best of Geek: Drake Pochard
Best of Geek: Long-tailed Duck
Best of Geek: Drake Eider
Best of Geek: Shelduck
Best of Geek: Drake Wigeon
Best of Geek: Drake Shoveler
Best of Geek: Immature drake Goldeneye
Best of Geek: Shelduck
Best of Geek: Drake Red-breasted Merganser
Best of Geek: Female Scaup
Best of Geek: Long-tailed Duck
Best of Geek: Long-tailed Duck