Best Friends Animal Society: Best Friends’ resident wild turkeys always delight our canyon residents and visitors. Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: Peanut enjoys a lovely romp in the pastures of beautiful Angel Canyon. Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: The Best Friends Welcome Center has a pond with a few unlikely sanctuary residents - koi! Discarded or inherited throughout the years, they now live at Best Friends permanently and are quite happy. Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: Every summer, the hummingbirds make their way back to southern Utah to delight the human and animal residents of Best Friends with their beautiful presence. Here, they gather at dusk to feed. Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: It’s been a long road to recovery, but after 2 ½ years of intensive treatment for canker (a painful and debilitating hoof condition), Clyde is finally canker-free! Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: Gracie and Ayla enjoy a quiet evening grazing in the canyon. Photo by Molly Wald
Best Friends Animal Society: PeanutDust7018MW
Best Friends Animal Society: RiverRunningRain7195MW
Best Friends Animal Society: JessHikesCongoSafira7952MW
Best Friends Animal Society: BirdsOnKatieThumper3816MW
Best Friends Animal Society: AngelCanyonPastures3780MW
Best Friends Animal Society: TurkeyFamily6483MW
Best Friends Animal Society: TurkeyMinistryOfSillyWalks7755MW
Best Friends Animal Society: AngelCanyonDeer3671MW
Best Friends Animal Society: CanyonRocks1445MW
Best Friends Animal Society: SnowyCanyon3921MW
Best Friends Animal Society: DillonSnow2478MW
Best Friends Animal Society: CanyonWren7450MW
Best Friends Animal Society: RedWingedBlackbirds2199MW
Best Friends Animal Society: TurtleRock3506MW
Best Friends Animal Society: ChristelleRusty6198MW
Best Friends Animal Society: TurkeysAutumn0158MW
Best Friends Animal Society: 01-AngelCanyon3861
Best Friends Animal Society: HawkAngelCanyon3718MW
Best Friends Animal Society: CanyonRaven4307MW