Bessie and Kyle: Kyle and His Teacher - Maria Eugenia
Bessie and Kyle: Pop Wuj Ping Pong
Bessie and Kyle: The common area at Pop Wuj that turns into a small market
Bessie and Kyle: The internet at Pop Wuj
Bessie and Kyle: Bessie and her Pop Wuj teacher - Fulvia
Bessie and Kyle: Guatemala´s first train station
Bessie and Kyle: Shakalaka!
Bessie and Kyle: Sweet Potato Tomales
Bessie and Kyle: Kids at the daycare
Bessie and Kyle: The daycare
Bessie and Kyle: Bessie giving a Valentine´s gift
Bessie and Kyle: The daycare
Bessie and Kyle: On the way to the daycare
Bessie and Kyle: Corn drying on the roof
Bessie and Kyle: Eggs and Beans: A typical Guatemalan breakfast
Bessie and Kyle: Bananas with bland oatmeal: A typical Guatemalan breakfast
Bessie and Kyle: The rather thin sidewalk
Bessie and Kyle: It´s less dangerous of a walk than it looks
Bessie and Kyle: Pupusas!
Bessie and Kyle: Us with white corn in the Calvario market
Bessie and Kyle: The lady who made the corn
Bessie and Kyle: Xela woman
Bessie and Kyle: A Live chicken on the bus
Bessie and Kyle: A "Chicken Bus" in Xela
Bessie and Kyle: A "Chicken Bus" in Xela
Bessie and Kyle: There´s a live lamb on top of the bus
Bessie and Kyle: Some yummy Guatemalan fruit
Bessie and Kyle: Guatemalan Beer