bess grant: ice cream
bess grant: ice cream
bess grant: ice cream
bess grant: from sydney to safety beach
bess grant: walking up big hills has its good points
bess grant: a tree of porridge
bess grant: Boating!
bess grant: Deterrent to a swim...
bess grant: alba
bess grant: sears catalogue
bess grant: beachbox1
bess grant: beachbox6
bess grant: beachbox5
bess grant: beachbox3
bess grant: beachbox4
bess grant: beachbox2
bess grant: ride 'em
bess grant: hello, friend!
bess grant: watching the wildlife
bess grant: boing!
bess grant: happy
bess grant: fingers of carl
bess grant: someone or others cairn at arthur's seat
bess grant: london bridge
bess grant: point nepean
bess grant: point nepean
bess grant: tasmanian devil
bess grant: at the blowhole
bess grant: the blowhole
bess grant: the blowhole