besomom: Cannon at Fort Malden
besomom: Royal mark
besomom: Musket demonstration
besomom: 029
besomom: Barracks Door
besomom: Great Lakes Freighter
besomom: Fountain
besomom: Boblo Island Observation Tower
besomom: Boblo Island
besomom: 173
besomom: Abandoned Building
besomom: 162
besomom: Abandoned
besomom: Lighthouse on Boblo Island
besomom: Abandoned Lighthouse
besomom: Abandoned Ferry Station
besomom: Abandoned Ferry Station
besomom: Abandoned Ferry Station
besomom: Abandoned Ferry Station
besomom: Abandoned Ferry Station
besomom: abandoned mini golf course
besomom: Abandoned Mini Golf Course
besomom: Abandoned Mini Golf Course
besomom: Abandoned dance hall
besomom: Welcome to the USA
besomom: Ambassador Bridge
besomom: Lighthouse on Boblo Island