Bertoid: Upon arrival at the place...
Bertoid: L'alba D'oro.
Bertoid: Wondering about the food here
Bertoid: The deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: Before.
Bertoid: It begins...
Bertoid: V takes a bite of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: V takes a bite of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: V takes a bite of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: And then I took a bite of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: After my bite of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: The aftermath of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: The aftermath of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: The aftermath of the deep-fried pizza.
Bertoid: Recovery at the Bow Bar.
Bertoid: Recovery at the Bow Bar.