bertobox: Maguey tattoo 2
bertobox: Stone road
bertobox: yellow fever
bertobox: Pretty and dark
bertobox: standing out
bertobox: Chemita in action
bertobox: Chemita in all his glory
bertobox: Prickly friend
bertobox: Mexican symbol
bertobox: Spiky landscape
bertobox: RD14 Prickly punk
bertobox: RD14 Memoirs
bertobox: RD14 surrounding vista
bertobox: Oscar et Chio
bertobox: RD14 View from above
bertobox: RD14 Memoirs
bertobox: Aiming high
bertobox: Director Chaka
bertobox: Getting the perfect shot
bertobox: High profile photographer
bertobox: xponiox
bertobox: Flying…
bertobox: _warmth_
bertobox: The setting fog
bertobox: ze Groupe
bertobox: ze Groupe
bertobox: SEP16 Mexico's Independence Day
bertobox: pretty buds
bertobox: Ghost-town manhole cover
bertobox: Manhole cover of the ALPs