bertobox: Old rail
bertobox: church in ghost town
bertobox: Coca-Cola grip, strong as ever
bertobox: Red and white and blue and yellow
bertobox: restaurant closed for lunch
bertobox: Oh! Victoria
bertobox: church for ghost miners
bertobox: «se benden elotes/corn for sail»
bertobox: restrooms WITH water
bertobox: chillout spot
bertobox: toilets WITH water
bertobox: writing on the walls
bertobox: church and sky
bertobox: On the road again
bertobox: «Nopales» cactus by the road
bertobox: sharing the road
bertobox: bumps ahead
bertobox: central de abastos
bertobox: ass-driven cart (back)
bertobox: ass-driven cart (front)
bertobox: downtown Matehuala
bertobox: church in Matehuala
bertobox: La pulga The flea
bertobox: Las Sevillanas
bertobox: The Sevillean Sisters, food and gifts
bertobox: Las Sevillanas puerta de entrada
bertobox: La pulga The flea