mainstrom07: The Harbor in Greenport LI
mainstrom07: 9/11 Memorial in the Harbor
mainstrom07: Our first vineyard!
mainstrom07: Our first tasting! Sherwood House
mainstrom07: Jon and Mom
mainstrom07: Karin and Dad
mainstrom07: The Shinn Estates Tasting Room
mainstrom07: Karin and Jon at Shinn Estates
mainstrom07: Mom and Dad tasting at Shinn
mainstrom07: Lunch! Fondue for everyone
mainstrom07: Karin and Mom like cheese too
mainstrom07: Don't forget Bert...mmm, cheese
mainstrom07: Bert getting a tast straight from the barrel
mainstrom07: Jon in our cabin at The Portly Grape
mainstrom07: Enjoying a lovely afternoon on the porch after a long day of tasting