mainstrom07: A beautiful setting for a party
mainstrom07: Wine and Chocolate time!
mainstrom07: The Newlywed game
mainstrom07: Freeze frame Ken
mainstrom07: The boys arrive
mainstrom07: Deborah and Richelle
mainstrom07: My beer matches the decor
mainstrom07: The grill is fired up
mainstrom07: Bert and Violet
mainstrom07: Watch out for that Bert guy
mainstrom07: Jello for all!
mainstrom07: Nick wows the ladies
mainstrom07: Katie and Ken
mainstrom07: Dave mans the grill
mainstrom07: Enjoying the beautiful night
mainstrom07: Preparing...well I just went for it
mainstrom07: Shoot!
mainstrom07: Ken and Stephanie
mainstrom07: Nick, Richelle and Renee
mainstrom07: TS and Murphy
mainstrom07: Richelle and Renee
mainstrom07: Let's try that one again
mainstrom07: Much better this time
mainstrom07: Katie joins the picture
mainstrom07: Great singing. Just watch out for falling dish water!
mainstrom07: The Singlemichs enjoy the show