Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Botanic Gardens, Wellington, NZ
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Spinning Top sculpture, Woodward Street, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Shells, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Invisible City sculpture, cnr of Lambton Quay & Grey Street
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Protoplasm sculpture in Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: John Plimmer, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Great Head sculpture in Victoria Street, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Andrew - fellow WWPW photographer
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Te Papa - Ferraris on show
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: TePapa - Ferrari on show
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Te Papa - Ferraris on show
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Andrew - fellow WWPW photographer
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Coffee on Lamton Harbour walk
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Cold drinks on Lamton Harbour walk
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Chaffers Marina / Oriental Bay
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Chaffers Marina / Oriental Bay
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Pigeon on walk along Lambton Harbour, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Walk olong Lambton Harbour, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Walk olong Lambton Harbour, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: For hire, Lambton Harbour, wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Outside loaded Hog, Lambton Harbour, wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: The Occidental, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Bike outsite The Occidental, Lambton Quay, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Kelvin House, Wellington
Bernzfotos - Bernard Golder Photography: Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington