Bernsnaps: Yesterday's morning from Round Valley. Back in Idyllwild now, letting it all sink in. #sanjacintosp #backpacking #neverstopexploring #rei440project #camping
Bernsnaps: Ship & Tug
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix
Bernsnaps: I spent the weekend enjoying the company of friends and boulders, the Bishop community, and other recreational offerings of Owens Valley, all the while tangled in a mental struggle with the strong desire to show how grateful I am of the land and its featu
Bernsnaps: Port of Long Beach - TTI Aerial-31
Bernsnaps: Michelle and Lyra
Bernsnaps: It's not all flowers, silliness and snack time. In the next few days I'm going to be posting a series of images from my assignment for Girl Scouts of the USA. #girlscouts #girlsports
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach
Bernsnaps: Michelle and Lyra
Bernsnaps: jtree-081
Bernsnaps: Maintenance Crew
Bernsnaps: yosemite_runner_5
Bernsnaps: Michelle and Lyra
Bernsnaps: MP-2013-11-30-4109
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix
Bernsnaps: MP-2013-12-01-4375
Bernsnaps: yosemite_runner_2
Bernsnaps: applefarm_racing-15
Bernsnaps: phototour_bern-2
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach
Bernsnaps: jtree_yoga-390
Bernsnaps: MP-2013-12-01-4333
Bernsnaps: applefarm_racing-11
Bernsnaps: Port of Long Beach - TTI Aerial-5
Bernsnaps: Good morning. #coffee #localcoffee #whatimworking
Bernsnaps: applefarm_racing-4
Bernsnaps: Michelle and Lyra
Bernsnaps: MP-2013-11-30-4129
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach
Bernsnaps: Toyota Grand Prix