Bernard DUPONT:
Gorgeous Sunrise
Bernard DUPONT:
Summer Impala Lily (Adenium swazicum)
Bernard DUPONT:
Summer Impala Lily (Adenium swazicum)
Bernard DUPONT:
Fragmented Boulder
Bernard DUPONT:
Bernard DUPONT:
Bernard DUPONT:
Suckling Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
Bernard DUPONT:
Suckling Impala (Aepyceros melampus) (So many ticks …)
Bernard DUPONT:
Impalas Nursery (Aepyceros melampus)
Bernard DUPONT:
Impala (Aepyceros melampus) young male
Bernard DUPONT:
Berg-en-Dal Gate
Bernard DUPONT:
Summer Impala Lily (Adenium swazicum)
Bernard DUPONT:
Bungalow N°27
Bernard DUPONT:
Bungalow N°27
Bernard DUPONT:
Bungalow N°27
Bernard DUPONT:
Bungalow N°27
Bernard DUPONT:
Perimeter View from Bungalow N°27
Bernard DUPONT:
Large Copper Dung Beetle (Kheper nigroaeneus) rolling a dung ball
Bernard DUPONT:
Large Copper Dung Beetle (Kheper nigroaeneus) with Black Scavenger Flies (Paratoxopoda sp.)
Bernard DUPONT:
Rove Beetle (Staphylinidae)
Bernard DUPONT:
Sun Spider (Solifugae)
Bernard DUPONT:
Geometrid Moth (Omphalucha indeflexa)
Bernard DUPONT:
Erebid Moth (Thyas rubricata)
Bernard DUPONT:
Orange-wing Cicada (Systophlochius palochius)
Bernard DUPONT:
Lasiocampid Moth (Trichopisthia igneotincta)
Bernard DUPONT:
Banded Euproctis (Knappetra fasciata)
Bernard DUPONT:
The Geometrician (Grammodes stolida)
Bernard DUPONT:
Lasiocampid Moth (Trichopisthia igneotincta)
Bernard DUPONT:
Juniper Hawk (Oligographa juniperi)
Bernard DUPONT:
Wrenched Monkey Moth (Stenoglene rosea)