Bernard DUPONT:
Old Wings
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Abaya Lake
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Turkwel River and Lake Turkana
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Solitary Cloud
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Turkwel River
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Street Life
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Victoria Lake
Bernard DUPONT:
Overlander Truck
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Street Pedicure
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Central Bus Station
Bernard DUPONT:
Country Market
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Zain (Mobile Phone Operator)
Bernard DUPONT:
Central Bus Station
Bernard DUPONT:
Street Life
Bernard DUPONT:
Entrance of Kibale NP
Bernard DUPONT:
African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)
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Tiny Acraea (Acraea uvui)
Bernard DUPONT:
Tiny Acraea (Acraea uvui)
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Neave's Judy (Abisara neavei) (Riodinidae)
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Kivu Treefrog (Leptopelis kivuensis)
Bernard DUPONT:
Kivu Treefrog (Leptopelis kivuensis)
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Rove Beetle (Staphylinidae)
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King's Mantle (Thunbergia erecta)
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Ichneumonid Wasp
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Red Fly
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Crab Spider (Thomisidae) feeding on a Cranefly (Tipulidae)
Bernard DUPONT:
Mirror Spider (Thwaitesia sp.)