CreativeMornings/Berlin: Grab a free notebook, sponsored by FontShop
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Environment-friendly registration via name tag … no printed ticket requiered
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Breath-taking blue sky at the new CM-location “Orangelab” (Ernst-Reuter-Platz 2)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Our new coffee sponsor Electric Espresso serves caffein without CO₂
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Premium coffee, latte, cappuccino … for free
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Electric Espresso
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Ernst-Reuter-Platz on a sunny Creative Morning Friday
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Orangelab, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 2
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Creative Morning speaker Stephen Coles
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Sometimes you need to tilt your head to decipher a chrome lettering
CreativeMornings/Berlin: The 10th Creative Morning Berlin was sold out (100 visitors)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Thanks to our locations sponsor CB.e (Orangelab)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Laura Serra (@laureola)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Stephen Coles (speaker) and Jürgen Siebert (host)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Stephen Coles presenting Chromeography
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Time for questions and comments (Erik Spiekermann)
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Stephen Coles, Jürgen Siebert
CreativeMornings/Berlin: A great location in the hearth of Berlin West: Orangelab
CreativeMornings/Berlin: Afterparty … one more cappuccino and a good chat