henribergius: Coffee break
henribergius: Cherry blossoms in Japantown
henribergius: Jim Zemlin from Linux Foundation
henribergius: Panel on Open Source Cloud
henribergius: Ari Jaaksi on MeeGo
henribergius: View to the bay
henribergius: Golden gate bridge
henribergius: View to Golden Gate
henribergius: Europe is as far as the moon
henribergius: Sushi lunch
henribergius: On Pier 39
henribergius: No Amsterdam for me today
henribergius: Times Square
henribergius: Underground, underwater
henribergius: New York from the Intrepid
henribergius: Flight deck
henribergius: Blackbird
henribergius: The Intrepid
henribergius: More Times Square
henribergius: Golden spires
henribergius: Grand Central
henribergius: Chrysler Building
henribergius: State of the Empire
henribergius: This used to be railway
henribergius: Meat Packing District
henribergius: View from Google
henribergius: Aeroflot back to Europe